Memorial Garden
Dedicated to the memory of all people who walked this land before us:
the Dharawal People, Early Pioneers and Parishioners of St John Bosco
A Columbarium is a wall of niches to hold the ashes of our loved ones. We have 8 walls each with 40 niches on the front (facing the water feature) and 27 on the back.
The brass plaque which covers the front of the niche with the deceased person’s name etc. is only able to be purchased once the owner of the niche has passed away. The plaque takes approximately 8 weeks to manufacture.
Use the button to the right to apply for a niche, a plaque or both.
The Memorial Garden has four new columbarium walls.
The new walls are named St Dominic Savio, an Italian student of John Bosco, who was studying to be a priest when he became ill and died at the age of 14 and Blessed Laura Vicuna, a young girl from Argentina, a pupil of the Salesian Sisters, Mamma Margaret, the mother of Don Bosco, to honour her and all mothers, and Father Joseph Ciantar, the first Salesian appointed to Parish Priest Engadine from 1952-1967, when he passed away.
The niches in the new walls are available for purchase now. The plaques will be placed on the wall ends early in 2025.
The plaque overall size is 152mm x 152mm.
Opening Line is generally "In loving memory of" however you can modify this to a maximum of 26 characters.
Name Line(s) shows the deceased name, this can span 1 or 2 lines as required. A maximum of 18 characters per line is allowed for. If you need to span two lines you will specify this on your application.
Date of Birth and Death.
Description lines: It is recommended you have a maximum of 6 lines otherwise this can become crowded. The maximum characters per line is 26.
The Tree of Life is a granite wall upon which memorial leaf plaques are placed. The tree is a lasting reminder of the many people who have been a part of our Parish Community over the years.
Unfortunately a leaf plaque cannot be purchased until the person(s) named on the plaque are deceased, because the date of passing is not known.
Price for a Tree of Life leaf is currently $297.
Click HERE for current availability before you apply.
The plaque is limited to 4 lines only consisting of:
Line 1: Max 19 characters
Line 2: Max 22 characters
Line 3: Max 28 characters
Line 4: Max 19 characters
Want to discuss this with family members? Click this LINK to download a printable document.
Annual Memorial Mass
At 11am on the second Saturday in November each year our annual Memorial Mass will be held in the Engadine Church, finishing with closing prayers in the Memorial Garden. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Frequently asked questions
Am I able to purchase just one niche, which will contain the ashes of two people?
No. It is our policy that only one persons ashes will be permitted in one niche. In most cases there would be insufficient space for two urns within the niche. You may purchase two niches side by side if you wish.
Can I order the Niche Memorial Plaque at the time of Niche purchase?
No. The person needs to be deceased at the time of purchase of the plaque. We can’t order the plaque until the date of death is known.
Can I reserve a niche now and pay for it at time of inurnment?
You need to make full payment at time of application otherwise we will be unable to reserve the niche of your choice. The cost of the niches are reviewed annually, so if you buy now you are likely to pay less than you would at the time of inurnment.
Will the cost of the plaque be fixed at the time of niche purchase, even though I am not ordering the plaque now?
No. The price of the plaques will be reviewed annually and will likely increase in line with production costs. The current price will be shown on our website and in the plaque request form you need to fill out at the time of purchase.
Does the niche have to contain the ashes of the person shown on a memorial plaque?
Yes. A niche cannot be used for a plaque alone, without the ashes being placed in the niche.
How big is the Memorial Plaque?
The plaque is 152cm square. Although you can have 10 lines on a plaque it can appear overcrowded, we would strongly recommend 6 lines or less. There is no lower limit to the lines used although a minimum 3 lines would be necessary for a simple declaration such as:
"In loving memory of
Date of Death
The Name can contain no more than 18 characters and each line of text no more than 26 characters.
Is it possible to locate a memorial plaque elsewhere other than on the columbarium walls or Tree of Life?
Niches and niche plaques serve as a memorial of people whose ashes are located in the columbarium walls. The tree of life serves as a memorial of people whose remains are generally placed elsewhere. Although, it is possible to have a leaf plaque in addition to a niche.
Memorial plaques will not be placed in locations within the Memorial Garden other than on the columbarium walls or tree of life.
Please contact the Parish Office 9520 8277 and they will direct your enquiry appropriately.
The Memorial Garden volunteers are:
Treasurer Brian Carnegie
Registrars Helen Gurney and Carmel Barnes
Maintenance Kevin Gurney
Memorial Service Ministers, Bernadette Winn and Matt Humphreys.
Paul Dewberry
It is with sadness that we note the passing of Helen Duthie on Tuesday 18/7/23. Helen was a Registrar for the Memorial Garden since it commenced in 2014. She assisted many parishioners, with compassion, during the process of purchasing columbarium niches and preparing the wording of memorial plaques. She also assisted with the planning of our annual November Mass for those inurned in the Memorial Garden.