Welcome to St John Bosco
Catholic Parish

Parish Spotlight - Events at St John Bosco

Here are some highlights from Bosco in recent times.   Visit 'This week at Bosco' News and Events page to see what's coming up.  

Sacrament Registrations

With 2025 now underway, many are looking to book in their Sacraments for the year ahead. Here are some direct links to our different Sacrament pages to get you underway:

Baptism - click here

First Reconciliation - click here

First Communion - click here

Confirmation - click here

Our Worship

Our worship at Bosco brings us together to express our love of God as a community. Whether it be at our liturgies, prayer groups, or gatherings, we would love you to join us anytime in worship.

For Mass times, daily prayer, and links to other worship opportunities, visit our Worship Page.

Our Sacraments

Our Sacraments celebrate the special gifts of grace given to us as a faith community. As a Catholic community we celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Weddings, and Holy Orders.  

For more information visit our Sacraments Page.

Our Outreach

At Bosco we are striving to reach out within our Parish, to the wider community, and even around the globe. We are thankful for the impact we have already been able to make and would love you to help us reach out even further.

To find out about our current outreach opportunities visit Outreach page

Our Ministries

We feel blessed at Bosco to have so many ministries and parish groups. There are a wide variety of ways to get involved and we would love to welcome you to become more involved.

Find out about each specific group at Ministries

Our Mission

We are striving to be a faith community growing with Christ, and His Church, building the Kingdom of God in the Salesian Charism! 

As a Salesian Parish we are guided by the Salesian Charter to become a:

A Home that welcomes
A Church that evangelises
A playground where friends can meet
A school that prepares for life

Find out more at our Mission Page

Our Youth

In the Spirit of Don Bosco, our Parish has a long tradition of serving our young people. There are many opportunities for young people of all ages to engage with our Parish, and we have a team of youth leaders to help guide them.

If you are interested in finding out more we have a whole website dedicated to our young people! You can visit it via this link - www.youthmatters.org.au

Pray for the recently deceased

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