Ministries, Groups and Committees

The Parish structure from the level of the Archbishop of Sydney and Salesian Provincial down to the Parish Priest are decreed by the Catholic church.  This structure is shown at the base of this page.

Our Parish has many ministries, groups and committees with volunteers providing services within and outside our community.  If you believe one of our Ministries can assist you in some way, or if you would like to join one of the Ministries, please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:  or one of our priests.



Abuse is experienced by many and can occur in a variety of ways.  Our vision is to ensure that the young and the vulnerable are welcomed, cherished and protected to worship and grow in Christ.  Please visit our page to discover more at LINK or contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: if you would like to become involved.

Youth Matters

We have many Parish youth groups some of which are run by our Youth Matters group.  Commencing in 1995, Youth Matters is led by employed Youth Coordinators who are strongly supported by a team of volunteers.  Some of the Youth Matters activities include Connect, Awaken and Antioch.  The Youth Matters meeting centre operates in the front room of the Parish Centre.  You can check out our Youth Matters site HERE.

We also have Play Groups, Scouts and a lively sports club all of which can be accessed via our YOUTH page.

SJB Youth Centre

St John Bosco Youth Centre is a large community based network of sporting clubs and competitions operating under the auspices of St John Bosco Parish. Parent volunteers are the back-bone of the Youth Centre’s operation, catering for over 5000 members. 

In the 1960’s Engadine was becoming home to an increasing number of families but with no organised activities for young people. In July 1964 a meeting convened by Engadine’s Parish Priest Father Joseph Ciantar with a view to form a Boys Club to promote cultural, sporting and social activities for the youth of Engadine and surrounding districts. The St John Bosco Boys club was thereby established.  Click HERE to view their website


Advent Groups

Similar to the experience of Lenton Groups we meet in small groups to discuss the reading during Advent, preparing ourselves for the birth of Christ.  If you wish to participate or learn more, contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 


Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over several weeks.  Each sessions looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.   The key elements are sharing a meal, a recorded talk and discussion in a group.  Find out more on our web pageIf you wish to participate, contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Going Deeper

Do you want to spend more time growing in your relationship with God but find it hard to find the time or the way?

Do you value the benefit of discussion and sharing with other women?

Going Deeper provides a space and time for both.

Going deeper is a monthly get-together for women, with the aim of journeying together andgrowing together. There seem to be less opportunities in our busy society to have talks that women once did around the kitchen table or over fences. This sharing is so beneficial for our souls as we share, learn, reflect and support each other. Each get together, we’ll explore stories, articles and themes…all with the intention of inviting God into that space.

Please join us in the Parish Centre on the first Friday evening of each month, for some much needed time together, as we go deeper into ourselves and our relationship with God our Father.

Meeting: First Friday of each Month - St John Bosco Parish Centre Waratah Rd Engadine

Lenten Groups

In Paul's words to the Hebrews 10:24-25 he urges them to keep meeting in person, and spur each other on to love and good deeds.  There are times when we don't feel like turning up to meetings, only to find that we leave the meeting feeling uplifted and encouraged.  Lenton Groups provide us with the opportunity during lent to meet with a small group of other parishioners to listen to and discuss the readings from next week and listen to an inspiring recording.   If you wish to participate or learn more, contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Life Groups

Life Groups are small groups offering hospitality, shared wisdom and a great way to live life to the full with Jesus.  Make this year your year to encounter new people, discover new pathways, and to engage in what matters.  To find out more email .

Men Alive 

MenALIVE  is " A National Catholic Men's Ministry" which began in Brisbane in 2003 at the initiative of two Catholic laymen, together with the support of the Brisbane Archbishop.  Since then, they have run successful menALIVE weekends in most Australian states and New Zealand, including Engadine in 2017.  If you wish to participate or learn more, contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Men, Scripture and a cuppa

Join a small group of men who meet and discuss the readings from the Mass of the day.  We talk about the words we read, searching for their meaning and relating them to past and present life experiences while incorporating our hopes for the future.  No theology degree required here!  Join us in the Parish Centre: Wednesday at 9.00am or Thursday at 7.30pm.  More information contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 


Focus of Service: Supporting the celebration of our parish liturgies; Eucharistic ministers and Lectors.

Length of commitment: Renewed each year.

Time associated with the commitment: Depends on the role.   Doing the training associated with each role; Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, Acolytes and Altar Servers.  Then when rostered on, being at the liturgy about 15 minutes before it begins to prepare.  More information at this LINK

Acolytes and Altar Servers

An acolyte assists and attends to the priest in the celebration of the Holy Mass.  They help to coordinate the altar servers and other ministries, prepare the altar during Mass for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

As an altar server, you will help the priest with certain parts of the Mass.  In our parish, you can become an altar server after your First Holy Communion. More information on this link


Lectors are responsible for the announcements at the start of the mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and the prayers of the faithful. Those who have the gift of reading and proclaiming the Word of God at the Eucharist can call the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:

To all lectors already performing this role, please access our Ministries Resource website information, guides etc. 


Having musical talent is a gift that not only gives back to you, but to all the people around you who can listen and enjoy your talent.  When you engage in music for worship the spiritual,

Focus of Service: Supporting Parish Community by sharing your gift for music to enhance our liturgies.

Length of commitment: Renewed each roster (approx 3 -4 months).

Time associated with the commitment: Time to practice, prepare your songs and at the Mass you support.

For further details contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Baptism Preparation

Initiates us into the life of Jesus and his pattern of living/dying/rising!   It initiates us into the living body of Christ - the church. 

Check our child's baptism program for details and registration.  The start of your journey as an Adult Catholic check out the Parish RCIA Program for information on all the Sacraments for Adults.

Lay Led Liturgy

The lay led service lasts about 20 minutes, commencing with scripture readings for the Mass of the day.  A lay person then presents a reflection on what they glean from the readings.  After private reflection the service continues with the Lord's Prayer and Holy Communion.

FIND US: Monday 9.30am in Mazzarello Chapel, Engadine Church or Wednesday 8.00am in Mary Help of Christians Church Heathcote.  More information from the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Family Mass

Family Mass is held every month of the year! Please join us for our Family Mass focusing on a children's liturgy. Please stay for activities afterward usually in the Primary school hall! Each Mass is advertised in the Bulletin in the week prior.  All families are welcome.   Here is the link to the coming family masses: 
Family Mass Information

AlsoEnquires at the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:

Healing Mass

A Healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God's healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings.  The Mass is usually followed by a cuppa and informal chats.  It is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 9.20am in Engadine Church.  The Sacrament of Anointing takes place during the Mass for those who are frail or seriously ill.  For further details contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: or just turn up 

Communion to the Sick and Elderly

Our Priests, acolytes and special ministers of the Eucharist visit the elderly or sick members of our community to provide Holy Communion and a prayer.  Their is also a team who care for those in John Paul Village.  If you or someone you know would like to benefit from this service please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 


Parish Pastoral Council

A group of people (10-12) who animate, and guide the ministries and groups in our Parish.   They LEG up the groups of the Parish - Link, Encourage, Grow

Length of commitment: 3 years (with an optional extra year) and then they step down before they can be invited back. More information here.

Knights of the Southern Cross

The Knights of the Southern Cross, (KSC), is a National body of Catholic men devoted to :

Promoting the advancement of Australia; Fostering the Christian Way of Life throughout our Nation; Promoting the Welfare of Members and their Families; Encouraging Social and Intellectual Activities amongst Members and Conducting and Supporting Educational, Charitable, Religious and Social Welfare Work.  

Read about our local work in our Parish HERE

Our Mission is to promote open, honest and supportive attitudes towards Mental Health. We pray that it touches your heart, helps free you from shame, fosters acceptance and inclusion, and inspires HOPE & HEALING.

Discover more on this LINK.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a gradual process of conversion that can take anywhere from a few months to several years.

People are welcomed into the Catholic Christian community and  introduced to the Catholic way of life in a type of apprenticeship.  Please visit the RCIA web page for more information.  If you would like to enquire further please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:

Rosary Bead Makers

A group of parishioners gather to produce Rosary Beads, which are distributed to a variety of places.  They also work with the Primary School, teaching youngsters how to make and use the beads.  Please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: if you would like to become involved.


Prayer Groups

Our parish has a variety of active prayer groups from many different traditions and ways of praying.  Click here for details, or keep reading down this page


You are very welcome.  But not many people know about us.  We are very quiet.  In fact we don't say a word for 20 minutes.  Just show up, every Monday at 7.30 - 8.00 in the Mazzarello Chapel.

Holy Spirit Prayer Group

Come and join us as we gather each week in a time of song worshipping the Lord, sharing scripture, encouraging and praying for each other by using the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us.  

FIND US: Wednesday 10am (during school term) at Mary Help of Christians Church Heathcote, or Thursday 7.30pm at the Parish Centre.  Need more information? Click here. 

Rosary Statue

A rosary statue has travelled around our parish for many years.  If you would like to have the statue in your home one week per year, or even as a one off, please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:

World Day of Prayer

March 3rd at 10am. World Day of Prayer  at the Uniting Church Engadine, Cnr Chipilly Ave. This is a special Ecumenical Gathering which Fr Mick encourages as many as possible to attend.  Please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:  

Quiet Time

Come and build up your spirits in quiet meditation, prayer or private reading. A beautiful peaceful atmosphere. Mary Help of Christians Church Heathcote, every Thursday between 1-2pm.  Quiet time is the place we go to be restored.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Fourth Thursday of each month at Mary Help of Christians Church Heathcote. Exposition after 8am Mass, with benediction at 9.30am.

First Friday of each month.  Spend one hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Starting at 9.20am Mass in the Mazzarello Chapel, Engadine Church, concluding at 10pm.  10am-noon; Adoration-quiet time:  1pm; Cenacle: 6pm; Angelus followed by the Rosary: 6.30-9pm; Adoration- quiet time: 9pm;  Rosary: 9.45pm Closing Prayer.



Please come and join other parents and their toddlers/preschool children as we meet for some play, friendship and coffee/tea/cake.  Bring some snacks for the children, tea and coffee will be provided for the adults.

Mondays during school Term from  9-10.30am in the Parish Community Centre.  Enquire at the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: or just arrive on the day.

The Bosco Friendship Group is a very social group for senior members and friends of our Parish community.  Meeting twice each month our aim is to have friendly meetings and outings together, to enjoy life to the full.  

At our Meetings in the Parish Community Centre, 10am 1st Tuesday of each month, we welcome guest speakers who wish to share their knowledge and experiences.  On the 3rd Tuesday monthly, we aim to go somewhere on a social outing. 

Click here for more information and contact details

Men's Shed

Men's Shed provides a place for like minded, talented men to practice their woodworking skills, learn new skills and be welcomed and supported thus promoting healthy wellbeing.  Local wildlife are assisted by the creation of "Possum Boxes" whilst children are catered for with quality wooden toys that can be handed down for generations.  Please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: if you would like to know more or use this LINK


Craft ladies meet on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesday of each month between 10am and noon from February to December.  We meet in the Parish Community Centre to use our skills and have a chat with like minded people.  Enquire at the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: or just turn up at 10am.  All ages are welcome.


Cubs is for boys and girls 8-11 yrs and Scouts is boys and girls 11-15 years. Both groups have and active and fun programs for the kids.  Go to our Youth page for more detail.

Family Groups

Family groups were very active in our parish for many years.  Today no new groups are being established, but a few long established groups meet, sometimes with children and grandchildren.



The Mission of Vinnies is to help people in need.  We prefer the idea that the help is a 'hand up' and not a 'hand out'.  The help is to allow people to get past short term difficulties and improve their lives.  In many cases this is what happens.  In some cases, the help needs to be ongoing, where conditions of many types dictate that there is no short-term 'fix'.

The Vinnies team meet every fortnight and visit people in their homes when needed.  "Being part of Vinnies is always a privilege".  If you feel you have the gift to be able to help others in need please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: boscosecretary@gmail.comIf you are unable to join the team, please continue to pray and provide the financial support that our parishioners have done for many years.  We conduct special collections in Winter and at Christmas, but your assistance is gratefully accepted at any time. 

Click here to go to the Vinnies page

Social Justice

Our Social Justice team are a group of parishioners and friends who work to smooth the injustices in Australia and the world. Their work is wide raging with efforts particularly focused on Indigenous, refugees, disabled, etc.  A large focus of the group since it started was support for a very poor village in Timor Leste.  This effort is now covered with the establishment of a separate group called 'Friends of Maliana'.  Find out more on this below.

Mission in Action 

In 2019, with the transfer of John Paul Village to St Vincent Care Services, Fr Mick and the Parish Leadership Teams, with the support of parishioners, commenced a charity fund which is now called The Mission in Action Fund.  Income for the Fund comes from the JPV land lease and sale proceeds which are being received over many years to come.

In this LINK we expand on the work of the seven streams shown in the logo and the projects we are currently supporting.

Bread Run - Food Support

Free bread, groceries and fruit is provided at the front of the Bosco Parish Church every Monday at 6.15pm.  Please meet us under the awning if you need assistance meeting the cost of daily living.  No registration is required, no names are taken, no judgement is made.  We are here to help. 

If you would like to volunteer to help organise occasionally, call the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:


A group of dedicated parishioners meet monthly in our Parish Community Centre and hand knit rugs which are donated to parishioners suffering poor health or entering residential care.  Donations of wool to the group are welcomed and appreciated. 

People wishing to become involved by participating in the monthly get together, or knitting at home, should call the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email:

Friends of Maliana

Our objectives are: 

Much more information is available on our webpage at this link.  If you would like to help, contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Bosco Earth Care

Our goal is to convey the message of Laudato Si’ to inspire parishioners, and hopefully, members of the wider community, to engage with Pope Francis’s campaign for care of creation and our common home.

We’re all part of God’s planet AND all responsible for it!  We’ve heard the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. 

Now is the time for us to make an impact.  We are being called to a change of heart.


Offering Religious education to children in State schools.  Make a difference and deepen your own Faith.

Catechists need help in our local public schools on Tuesday & Wednesday, late morning and early afternoon for 1/2hr.  Without your assistance these children could go without knowing the Love of Jesus.  

Enquire at the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 

Caring Group

If you know of any member of our Parish Family who would welcome 'some tender loving care and prac tical support' from the Caring Group please let us know.

Likewise, we invite you to consider stepping forward and taking an active part in the Caring Group Ministry. Perhaps you may like to make a meal ocvcasionally, when we are called upon to provide emergency practical support to an individual or family in need. Or perhaps you might like to visit someone who is housebound or drive someone to an appointment.  With God, and your time and talents, anything is possible.  

If you know of someone in need or you would like to help in some small way please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: 


Parish Finance Committee

We have a team of people well versed in financial management, who assist the Parish Priest in caring for the finances and property of the Parish. The Finance Committee has a number of other groups who assist in a variety of ways.  Click here to go to the Finance Committee page or look below at some of the other groups.

Property Group

Managing the Parish Properties is a very extensive and broad reaching role.  For this reason, the Finance committee has a sub group who are experienced in property matters, and they make recommendations back to the Finance Committee.  Click here to move to the Property Page.

As a church we rely on the generosity of everyone in our community to help us fund the ongoing expenses to run our liturgy, church events and to build and maintain our facilities.  We really appreciate those who sign up for regular giving as it enables us to plan for the year ahead and allocate funds to many activities throughout the year. Click here to move to the Direct Giving page

Memorial Garden

Our Memorial Garden is located on the southern side of the Engadine Church.  It contains the following features:

The garden is dedicated to all people who have walked this land before us: The Dharawal People, Early Pioneers and Parishioners of St John Bosco.  Click here to go to the Memorial Garden Page.

Much of the cleaning and maintenance work done in and around our two churches is done by volunteers who are dedicated in maintaining the splendour of our churches.  Cleaners, maintenance men, gardeners, lawn mowing men, etc. turn up week after week to perform their roles.  Morning tea and a chat with our priests are side benefits which usually follow their efforts.  If you wish to help any of our teams please contact the Parish Office 9520-8277 or Email: . You don't have to be available every week.  More information on this LINK


Our Parish structure is quite different from many organisation structures in that it has been created from the 'bottom up'.  Our Parish Groups have been created by Parishioners in consultation with our Parish Priests over the past 70 years.  Each Group provides essential support to the parish and the community.  See how you might get involved.  Make contact with our key members and learn when meetings are, and much more.