Guiding and empowering us towards prayerful and creative liturgies

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee meets on the 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7.30 pm in the parish centre.

Chairman: Bryan Coupland 

Secretary : Jo Simpson

Women @ Mass

On 10th January 2021 Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter that modified the Code of Canon Law to allow women, as well as men, to be installed in the ministry of acolyte, lector or reader at Mass.

Lectors are responsible for the announcements at the start of the mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and the prayers of the faithful. Those who have the gift of reading and proclaiming the Word of God at the Eucharist can call the Parish Office to become a lector or commentator.


🕿 Contact

Stuart Munn - 


An acolyte assists and attends to the priest in the celebration of the Holy Mass.  They help to coordinate the altar servers and other ministries, prepare the altar during Mass for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  An acolytes actions are to show reverence and worship to Our Lord through the celebration of Holy Mass.


To become an acolyte you must complete training and instructions through the Archdiocese and the parish.  In the first place the parish priest must meet with the candidate and assess whether becoming an Acolyte is the right ministry for you.  


📅 Current Roster

Arrive 15 mins before the Mass starts.

As an altar server, you will help the priest with certain parts of the Mass.  In our parish, you can become an altar server after your First Holy Communion. 

Altar servers are scheduled on a rotating roster for weekend and special Masses.  Your preferred days and times will be discussed when the roster is set up.


You must meet the following criteria:

Contact the Parish priest if you are interested.  Training occurs before or after school.

Remember reverence is the most important attitude for an altar server to have.

🦸Are you a SUPER MINISTER?  

Pick up a card and put your name on.  Get it signed by the priest or acolyte at each mass you server and receive a reward at the end of each term.

🕿 Contact

Fr Kevin or the Parish Priest

9520 8277


An "Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion" is a Catholic lay person who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion, either during the Mass, or afterwards, such as to housebound persons.  If you wish to be involved in this ministry - Contact  - Pastoral Associate -  or the Parish Priest

🕿 Contact

Pastoral Associate -  

or the Parish Priest


Our parish has offered lay led liturgy of the word services since 2014 to enable the faithful, in the absence of a priest, to offer praise and worship and to be nourished by Word and Holy Communion. 

This ministry is on Mondays at 9.20am at Engadine, and Wednesdays at 8am at Heathcote. 


Having musical talent is a gift that not only gives back to you, but to all the people around you who can listen and enjoy your talent.  When you engage in music for worship the spiritual 

If you are interested in joining our parish choir or if you could help with music at any of our masses. 

If you are interested in helping with the Youth Choirs or Youth Bands on Sunday night - we are always looking for singers and musicans.  Contact Matty H. ( 

 Prayer of the Faithful

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

The Liturgy Committee would like to invite you to be part of a small initiative. It is hoped this will from time to time, bring the much appreciated (but often behind the scenes) work of your particular group to the awareness of the whole community. You are ‘part of the story’ of our parish, an integral and valued piece of the ‘whole’ with the very specific service you offer.

The suggestion is related to the Prayers of Intercession that we pray as a parish family each Sunday at Mass. We would like to have at least one of the prayers each week focussing on the work of a particular parish group. Since there are many groups operating, it would be on a roster system as to which particular group is the focus for any given Sunday. It may not be often, but it is an attempt to acknowledge, celebrate and support your work through the prayers of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

You know better than we, the particular needs, hopes and imaginings you have for the group as it continues in its ministry. Therefore to prepare a prayer that is specifically relevant and meaningful, we invite you to try to name them in discussion with each other. Please write them on the sheet at the bottom of this page and return to the parish office at your earliest convenience. We would like to begin this initiative as the new liturgical year commences with the Advent season.

With gratitude for all you do to contribute to the life of our parish. We look forward to receiving the ‘needs, hopes and imaginings’ you identify that will become part of our communal prayer of the faithful.

Your brothers and sisters in Christ,

The SJB Liturgy Committee


 1st Sun. Armed Forces and families

 2nd Sun. Social Justice

 3rd Sun. Vocations

 4th Sun. Victims of abuse of any kind

NAME OF PARISH GROUP   _______________________________________________________________________

Some needs for which we would be grateful of prayer support:

Hopes we have:

An imagining we have for the group is...

Contact person: _______________________ Phone: ____________________