Our Mission
We are striving to be a faith community growing with Christ, and His Church, building the Kingdom of God in the Salesian Charism!
We live our vision in the Salesian charism. St John Bosco our founder invited us to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus via the gifts and emphasis of St Francis de Sales - thus the name Salesian.
Loving Kindness was a key path of Bosco - as was a preferential heart for the young and the concept of Pro-active Presence.
Every work under the Salesian charism strives to be;
a home that welcomes
a parish that evangelises
a community that prepares for life
a playground where friends can meet and share.
Mission Leadership Team
Key roles of the MLT are;
1. Search out and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concerns of parishioners;
2. Grow in awareness of what is already happening in the parish;
3. Evaluate carefully information gathered in order to contribute towards the making of decisions that reflect the values of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church;
4. Set long-term and short-term goals for the parish;
5. Provide information for parishioners to grow in their relationship with God and with each other.
6. Develop, evaluate and improve parish initiatives that assist parishioners in their continuing efforts to live as effective Christians in society.
7. Provide transparent communication to the parish on all decisions made.