RCIA Dates
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Phase One: INQUIRY
What is the Catholic faith all about …….and am I called to embrace it?
TBD May - In Search of God - Welcoming people wishing to make initial enquiries about RCIA
TBD June - Tour of a Catholic Church
TBD June - 7.30 pm Mass in Engadine Chapel
TBD June - Prayer
Break for School Holidays
TBD July - Birth of the Church
TBD July - The Bible: Word of God
TBD August - The person of Jesus
TBD August - Catechism of the Catholic Church
TBD September - Structure of the Church ( Part 1)
TBD September - Gather for Sunday 6pm Mass
TBD September - Structure of the Mass (part 2)
Break for School Holidays
TBD October - Sacraments of the Church ( Part 1)
TBD October - Sacraments of the Church (Part 2)
TBD Nov - 7.30pm Mass in the Engadine Chapel
TBD Nov - Preparing for the Rite of Welcome
**TBD Nov - Celebration of the Rite of Welcome and Acceptance (Sun 6pm Mass)
27th November 2022 - Season of Advent
TBD December 2022 - Christmas Gathering
TBD 2nd Rite of Reconciliation
Break for School Holidays
Studying and living the Catholic faith.
TBD Jan - Informal Picnic- Cooper Street Park (11.30am-1.30pm)
Season of Lent
2nd March 2022 - Ash Wednesday Mass
5th March 2022 (TBD) - Celebration of the Rite of Election at St Mary's Cathedral. Saturday 6pm Vigil Mass (20 Feb) Parish Mass, then 2pm at St Mary's Cathedral on Sunday 21st.
An in-depth time of conversion and preparation.
9th March 2022 - Lenten Program Wk2
16th March 2022 - Lenten Program Wk 3
19th March 2022 - Parish Mass (1st Scrutiny)- Saturday Vigil 6pm Mass
23rd March 2022 - Lenten Program Wk 4
26th March 2022 - Parish Mass (2nd Scrutiny) - Sunday 9.30am Mass
30th March 2022 - Lenten Program Wk 5
3rd April 2022- Parish Mass (3rd Scrutiny) - Sunday Evening 6pm Mass
TBD April - Reflect on the Easter Ceremonies
TBD 2nd Rite of Reconciliation
**10th April 2022 - Palm Sunday Mass (Your Choice of Parish Mass Time)
**14th April 2022 - 7.30pm Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper
**15th April 2022 - 10.00am Good Friday Stations of the Cross and/or
3.00pm Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
**Saturday 16th April 2022 - 10.00am Holy Saturday Morning Reflection
Phase Four: Celebration of becoming Catholic
Baptism and/or Reception into full communion of the Catholic Church.
**Saturday 16th April 2022 - (Vigil Easter Mass) Time to be advised. Expected to be 7.30pm or 8pm.
The ongoing living out of our Catholic faith through parish involvement.
Date to be advised: Easter gathering to share stories—Ministry and Mission