Income and Expenditure Management

The Parish Finance Committee maintains a 10 year financial plan for the Parish, to ensure the path we are following will see us maintain financial viability for the future. In this plan we include the income via the direct giving program and other income sources. We then budget against this for normal operating expenses of insurances, rates, electricity, salaries, etc, and the natural escalation of the cost of these expenses. 

In recent years we have also budgeted for the income from the transition of John Paul Village (JPV) to St Vincents Care Services.  The land on which JPV is built remains in the Parish ownership and we receive rental income from that land.  The rental income pays the salaries of our Operations Manager and Pastoral Associate.  Our aim is to transfer the balance of that rental income to our Mission in Action Fund, but to do this we need the ongoing support of Parishioners via the Direct Giving program. Information relating to the donations made from this fund is contained on the Mission in Action Fund page.

INCOME: The primary source of income for the Parish to meet the operating costs of the Parish is from the Parishioners via the Direct Giving Programme.

Other sources are: interest, which is minimal these days; Memorial Garden proceeds of approximately $25,000pa; and rent from two investment properties we own on 44 Waratah Road Engadine and 23 Nirimba Cres Heathcote.

Direct Giving

Are you able to assist with the operating costs of our Parish Community?

Find out what we use the two collections for on this link

EXPENDITURE: We are very grateful to our many volunteers who maintain the two churches and surrounds, greatly reducing the cost to the parish. However, there are some specialised tasks that need to employ contractors for.  Our other main expenditure items include office salaries, council and water rates, electricity, gas, insurance, motor vehicles, church and office supplies.